Avril Lavigne is still a rocker  

Avril Lavigne insists that her change of style over the last couple of years wasn’t a calculated shift in image, she just grew up a bit.

She told the Daily Mail recently: “I’ve changed a lot over the past five years. When people first got to know my name, I was just a kid.”

“I was a very young 17-year-old and I came from a small town. I had different clothes and a different hairstyle. I’ve gone from being a tomboy kid to being a woman.”

Avril shocked fans with her new image in 2005 when she seemed to have a Hollywood make-over to launch her acting and modelling careers but she’s still the same Avril underneath

“Everyone can see the changes in me. But underneath I’m the same. I’m not sitting here in a Chanel dress. I wear heels and a dress once in a while, but I still have my rock sensibility.” [sourcel]

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